Kari Sajavaara memorial lecture Fri, 20 Jan 2023 - talk by Professor Luke Harding / Kari Sajavaara -muistoluento pe 20.1.2023 - ilmoittaudu!
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Kari Sajavaara memorial lecture Fri, 20 January 2023 – talk by Professor Luke Harding
The Finnish Network for Language Education Policies (Kieliverkosto) and Centre for Applied Language Studies (JYU) are organizing the annual Kari Sajavaara memorial lecture on Friday 20 January from 12 pm to 2.30 pm in the Old Festival Hall (S212) in Seminarium building in Seminaarinmäki, University of Jyväskylä.
Professor, PhD Luke Harding (Lancaster University) has been invited as the keynote speaker. The title of his lecture is: New directions in assessing spoken language: Exploring communicative constructs
Harding’s description about the lecture: In the talk I will make an argument that spoken constructs are changing (providing some examples), and that we should keep pace with this change (surveying different research directions), and specifically argue that it is important to bring a focus on pragmatic meaning-making to the fore in speaking assessment (focusing on some empirical work I have been involved with using corpus techniques). I will also touch on teacher assessment literacy in the context of assessing spoken language.
Luke Harding is a professor in Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University (UK). His research interests are in applied linguistics and language assessment, particularly assessing listening and speaking, World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca, and language assessment literacy. Luke’s research has been published in journals such as Applied Linguistics, Language Assessment Quarterly, Language Teaching, and Language Testing. He is the co-editor, with Glenn Fulcher, of the second edition of the Routledge Handbook of Language Testing. Luke has performed consultancy work on language assessment for various government and non-profit organisations. He was previously a member of the TOEFL Committee of Examiners and is currently a member of the British Council’s Assessment Advisory Board. Luke is nearing the end of a five-year term as co-editor, with Paula Winke, of the journal Language Testing.
After the lecture, two awards bearing the name of Kari Sajavaara will be given out; one for a scientifically meritorious doctoral thesis and the other for socially significant work done in the field.
Coffee and tea will be served. The event is multilingual: in English (the lecture) and in Finnish (awards).
If you cannot make it to the event, the lecture will also be live streamed online, and the recording can be watched later. Link to the stream will be sent through email closer to the event.
Please register by Wed, 11, Jan in Webropol, whether you participate online or in person. Link: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/0129BADD627F2A2A
The Finnish Network for Language Education Policies and Centre for Applied Language Studies (JYU) organise Kari Sajavaara memorial lecture annually. The lecture is dedicated to the memory of Professor Kari Sajavaara (1938‒2006).
On behalf of the Finnish Network for Language Education Policies and Centre for Applied Language Studies
Erja Kilpeläinen
erja.p.kilpelainen[at]jyu.fi / kieliverkosto[at]jyu.fi
Kari Sajavaara -muistoluento pe 20.1.2023 – puhujana professori Luke Harding
Kielikoulutuspolitiikan verkosto (Kieliverkosto) ja Soveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus (SOLKI, JYU) järjestävät perinteisen Kari Sajavaara -muistoluennon perjantaina 20.1.2023 klo 12.00–14.30 Seminariumin vanhassa juhlasalissa (S212) Seminaarinmäellä, Jyväskylän yliopistossa.
Pääpuhujaksi on kutsuttu professori, PhD Luke Harding (Lancaster University). Hänen luentonsa otsikko on: New directions in assessing spoken language: Exploring communicative constructs.
Hardingin kuvaus luennon aiheesta: In the talk I will make an argument that spoken constructs are changing (providing some examples), and that we should keep pace with this change (surveying different research directions), and specifically argue that it is important to bring a focus on pragmatic meaning-making to the fore in speaking assessment (focusing on some empirical work I have been involved with using corpus techniques). I will also touch on teacher assessment literacy in the context of assessing spoken language.
Luke Harding is a professor in Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University (UK). His research interests are in applied linguistics and language assessment, particularly assessing listening and speaking, World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca, and language assessment literacy. Luke’s research has been published in journals such as Applied Linguistics, Language Assessment Quarterly, Language Teaching, and Language Testing. He is the co-editor, with Glenn Fulcher, of the second edition of the Routledge Handbook of Language Testing. Luke has performed consultancy work on language assessment for various government and non-profit organisations. He was previously a member of the TOEFL Committee of Examiners and is currently a member of the British Council’s Assessment Advisory Board. Luke is nearing the end of a five-year term as co-editor, with Paula Winke, of the journal Language Testing.
Luennon jälkeen jaetaan kaksi Kari Sajavaaran nimeä kantavaa tunnustuspalkintoa, toinen ansiokkaasta soveltavan kielentutkimuksen alan väitöskirjasta ja toinen yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävästä työstä.
Tilaisuudessa on kahvitarjoilu. Tilaisuus on englanniksi (luento) ja suomeksi (palkintojenjako).
Jos et pääse paikalle, luentoa voi seurata etänä ja sen voi katsoa myöhemmin myös tallenteena. Linkki tilaisuuteen lähetetään lähempänä tilaisuutta.
Ilmoittaudu tilaisuuteen ke 11.1.2023 mennessä ja kerro, osallistutko paikan päällä vai etänä. Ilmoittautuminen: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/0129BADD627F2A2A
Kieliverkosto ja SOLKI järjestävät muistoluennon vuosittain professori Kari Sajavaaran (1938–2006) kunniaksi.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa!
Kieliverkoston ja SOLKIn puolesta
Erja Kilpeläinen
erja.p.kilpelainen[at]jyu.fi / kieliverkosto[at]jyu.fi