The Finnish Network for Language Education Policies - Kieliverkosto
The Network for Language Education Policies, Kieliverkosto, is an open forum for all who are interested in languages and language education. The network encourages discussion about language learning and teaching, the role of languages in society, language assessment, and languages in working life. Everyone is welcome to take part in this discussion as languages are an integral part of our everyday lives.
The network brings together actors in the field of language education policy, organises events, promotes research and education in the field, and influences decision-making about language education in Finland. Since language education policy is not merely a national issue, the network also seeks international contacts and experiences.
The Network is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and it is coordinated by the Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä.
News and events in English
- Vastaa verkkolehden lukija- ja kirjoittajakyselyyn! / Take part in our reader and writer survey!
- ELINET Spring 2024 Webinar Series: Developing digital literacy practices in schools
- KIRJOITUSKUTSU | CALL FOR PAPERS: Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta (toukokuu 2024): Kestävästi kohti tulevaisuuden kieltenopetusta | Sustainably towards future language teaching
- Exploring Language Education 2024, May 21-23, Vaasa, Finland
- ECML Call for project proposals open until 31.8. / ECML-hankkeiden haku auki 31.8. asti
- Eurydice report 2023: Key data on teaching languages at school in Europe
- NNFF9-konferens: Möten och mångfald – förstaspråksdidaktik i Norden | Meetings and Diversity – L1 Education in the Nordic Countries, 25.-26.10.2023 Helsinki
- AFinLA-teeman numero (15) "Kielenoppimista tukeva arviointi" on julkaistu / AFinLA-teema issue 15 "Assessment for supporting language learning has been published
- NNFF9-konferenssi: Möten och mångfald – förstaspråksdidaktik i Norden / The 9th conference of Nordic Network for Research in L1 Education, 25.-26.10.2023 Helsinki - Call for abstracts, DL 1.5.
- Kirjoituskutsu: Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta (toukokuu 2023) / Call for Papers: Language, Education and Society) (May 2023)
Articles published in English
- A framework for embedding interculturality as a process into language courses
- Ecological sustainability in foreign language lessons for young learners
- Towards sustainable bilingual-CLIL education through the three gifts of teaching
- Can arts, business and sustainability go together? Implementing a communications course on cultural sustainability for business students
- Heritage Language Teaching in Finland: Pedagogical Approaches
- The Aasis research project: automatically assessing spoken interaction in L2 Finnish
- A bridge too far? Dynamic Assessment and a dialectical view of the gap between language assessment and learning
- Making knowledges count in assessment
- Supporting teacher collaboration in bilingual education: Sharing the CLIL pie
- Language assessment in different disciplines: uses of mediation in university English courses
- Education Export in Basic Education in Finland: South Korean Elementary Pupils’ Positive and Challenging Experiences
- Project-based learning in the Chinese heritage language course/class in Finnish comprehensive education
- JULIET 2022: Continuing to prepare class teachers as language educators