Finnish Network for Language Education Policies – Kieliverkosto

Network mission

Language is essential to all societal activities.

In language education, all languages are taken into account without playing them against each other.

Languages are learnt in everyday life, hobbies, education and at work – wherever people use languages. All these ways of learning are recognized, acknowledged and made use of in decision-making and implementation of language education.

Network functions

The main purpose of the network is to influence decision-making about language education policies in a way, which is based on research findings, and on the practical expertise, competencies and experience of practitioners in language education policies.

This activity is supported by:

  • spreading information about current issues in language education
  • carrying out research on language education policies, and
  • giving lectures and in-service training on language education policies.

Theme years

The network’s goals and mission are put into practice with the help of annual themes. Previous themes have included:

First operating period (2010–2012)

  • multilingualism (2010)
  • language and communication skills in working life (2011)
  • teacher education (2012)

Second operating period (2013–2016)

  • minorities (2013)
  • skills and competencies (2014)
  • language education and the economy (2015)
  • networks and cooperation (2016)

Third operating period (2017–2020)

  • multilingualism of the individual, education and society (2017)
  • languages in municipalities (2018)
  • language aware vocational education and training (2019)
  • Finland's language reserve (2020)

Fourth operating period (2021–2024)

  • Finland's language reserve (2021)
  • language, education and technology (2022)
  • language and interaction assessment in transition (2023)
  • sustainable development and language education (2024)